Connie Kendall
2002 Trading Cards
2012 Clubhouse Magazine Set
2014 Magnet
2016 4 Character Postcard
2016 Christmas Ornament
2016 Connie and Wooton Postcard
2016 Crosswalk Postcard
2016 Imagination Station Postcard
2016 The Deep End Postcard
2016 The Ties That Bind Postcard
2017 Purple Connie Christmas Ornament
2017 Purple Connie Wristband
2018 Beach Towel
2018 Fidget Spinner
2018 Purple Connie Pen
2018 Red Cinch Sack
2021 Connie Christmas Ornament
2022 Lunchbox
2023 Discovery Emporium Connie Apron
2024 Connie Kendall Trading Card
2024 Iconic Group 18x18 Pillow
2024 Iconic Group 22x22 Pillow
2024 Iconic Group Lumbar 12x20 Pillow
2024 Trading Cards
20th Birthday Poster
Album 50 Poster
Album 51 Poster
Black Shirt 2016
Blue Cruise Memory Book
Blue Frosted Water Bottle 2023
Blue Water Bottle 2017
Ceramic Mug Collection
Christmas Promo Cards 2016
Connie Action Figure
Connie Dog Tags
Crosswalk Poster
Cut and Fold characters
Fab 4 Poster
February 1990 Clubhouse Magazine
Four Character Navy Hoodie 2017
Get in The Show 2012 Card
Green Frosted Water Bottle 2023
Green Large Flying Disc
Green Water Bottle 2017
Imagination Station Poster
July 2006 Clubhouse Magazine
June 2002 Clubhouse Magazine
May 2013 Clubhouse Magazine
Mystery Mini Poster
Navy Shirt 2017
November 2017 Clubhouse Magazine
OAC Promo Poster
October 2007 Clubhouse Magazine
Orange Water Bottle 2017
Painting Cap 90s
Pink Water Bottle 2017
Purple Connie Cap 2021
Purple Connie Cap 2023
Purple Connie Clear Water Bottle 2018
Purple Connie Mug 2017
Purple Connie Shirt
Purple Connie Shirt 2015
Purple Connie Water Bottle 2015
Purple Connie Water Bottle 2017
Purple Water Bottle 2017
Red Frosted Water Bottle 2023
Red Glow in the Dark Water Bottle 2023
Red Large Flying Disc
Red Town Memory Book
Red Water Bottle 2017
Smoke Water Bottle 2016
Suspicious Minds (sampler booklet)
The Caves of Qumran (book)
The Deep End Poster
The Ties that Bind Poster
Whit's End Poster 1
Whit's End Poster 2
Whit's End Poster 3
White 1,000 Episodes Character Shirt 2024
White Connie Adult Shirt
White Connie Mug 2017
Wonderworld Mini Poster
Zipper Pull
Constance "Connie" Kendall is a major character in Adventures in Odyssey. Arguably the second-most important character, Connie has appeared in more episodes than any character except John Whittaker. She has been voiced by Katie Leigh since she arrived in Odyssey in #4: “Connie Comes to Town”, and has worked at Whit’s End since she moved to Odyssey. She is spontaneous and never inclined to hold back what she’s thinking, but she has a strong heart for discipleship—especially toward the kids at Whit’s End.
Move to Odyssey
Connie, originally from Los Angeles, California, moved to the Midwest town of Odyssey with her mother, June Kendall, when Connie was a teenager after her parents' divorce. She accepts a job at "Whit's End" at that time, and in time, becomes friends with Whit.
Connie had become very independent and was antsy to return back to California as soon as possible. She also came to Odyssey as a non-believer. For the first three albums this was a major story arc for Connie and through the friendship of Whit, Tom Riley, and the other kids of Odyssey. She eventually accepted Christ as her Savior after a soul searching trip back to California. (#51 – #52: “Connie”)
Upon her return to Odyssey, she found that new help had been hired in the person of Eugene Meltsner. The dynamic relationship between Connie and Eugene was the material for many great comedic episodes. Eugene's logical way of thinking clashed with Connie's impulsiveness and curiosity and provided comical bickering. Nevertheless, Eugene often ended up drawn into Connie's misadventures, which often ended disastrously. On one occasion, Connie and Eugene gained access to a top-secret computer program called "Applesauce", which Whit had warned them not to touch, and Whit was forced to fire them because his trust in them had been damaged. Whit did eventually hire both Eugene and Connie back when he was certain they'd learned their lesson; however, Connie's curiosity has still gotten her into trouble several times since.
Connie's first romantic relationship was in the episode #111: “First Love”, in which she dates an athlete named Jeff Lewis who was not a Christian. The relationship interferes with her worship at church and she makes the painful decision to break up with him.
In the episode #220: “This is Chad Pearson?” he won a date with TV star Nick Grant through a contest, but was initially uninterested in meeting him. However by the end of the night she and Nick were getting along well, and it could be said there was some chemistry between them. He won her a stuffed animal at the carnival and she helped him escape from the paparazzi.
Her second committed relationship was with Robert Mitchell. She was introduced to him in the Novacom saga. She dated him for the next few seasons and even got engaged to him, but both decided to break up when Mitch was offered a job from the FBI and had to train in Budapest for two years, and they realized they weren't prepared to get married so soon.
It is also discussed among fans that Connie may have had a crush on Eugene, and she did during their camp experience. But other than that Connie has never really seemed to like Eugene in that way.
In #335: “Love Is in the Air, Part 1”, Eugene reveals that Connie had a crush on Jason and blurts it out in front of everyone because he thinks she is jealous of Tasha who came into town and got engaged to Jason. We do not know if Jason has ever harbored such feelings for Connie.
In #736: “Life Expectancy, Part 3” Connie's first love, Jeff Lewis returns and tells her he is a Christian.
In the canon Byte Sized Adventures story, "This is Nick Grant?", Connie reconnects with Nick and the two of them go on several dates. However, Nick is much more invested in the dates than Connie is, leading to some hurt feelings. They part on friendly terms.
Tales of a Small-Town Soda Jerk
Connie started writing a book about Odyssey, which was tentatively called "Tales of a Small-Town Soda Jerk". She decided to write the book in response to Rusty Gordon's book, titled "Tales of a Small-Town Thug", in which he criticizes and makes fun of the town of Odyssey. In The Champ of the Camp, Connie is writing, she narrates a camp story that she had experienced years before and she reads it out loud to herself, but she doesn't know till years later after that Eugene had been at that very same camp.
However, the book was erased from Connie's computer by Kelly, who didn't wish to be published in the book. (#605: “The Chosen One, Part 1”). Connie was very angry at Kelly for this. Her book had been over 600 pages and included chapters about the Odyssey romances. But, strangely, Novacom was not put in her book, probably because it was such a dark time in Odyssey. Connie tried to rewrite the book but found that remembering and rewriting all that material was more difficult than she thought. So, instead of rewriting her book, she produced a half-hour radio drama about the town of Odyssey that appeared on the fictional radio show, At Home in My Town. The drama was featured in the episode #631: “A Capsule Comes to Town”.
- Main article: Kendall family
Connie Kendall's parents, June and Bill, divorced while she was a child at summer camp (#583: “The Champ of the Camp”). She also had a paternal grandmother who died in Odyssey (#319: “A Touch of Healing, Part 2”), a paternal grandfather who fought in World War II (#320: “Where Is Thy Sting?”), and a great uncle, Joe Finneman, who also served in WWII and lives in Odyssey. Joe is the owner of Finneman's Market and is a war hero (#175: “East Winds, Raining”, #270: “The War Hero”). She also has an Aunt Edna, though how precisely they are related is unknown. Her father left her mom for a woman named Lindsey, married May then divorced her, married April then divorced her, and finally married Jan (January). Jan is the mother of Jules, Connie's half-sister. Connie has a paternal aunt, Helen, who is eight years older than she is. Connie considers Whit to be a second father to her, with Whit telling Connie "I love you like a daughter" in #534: “Something Blue, Part 2”. She has a aunt named Beatrice, according to #504: “Aubrey's Bathrobe”.
- Her full name is Constance. It means "firmness of mind". #231: “Hallowed Be Thy Name”
- She was an extra in a movie when she lived in LA. The movie was recorded at her school. (#4: “Connie Comes to Town”)
- Her age is "twenty-something". #839: “Met His Match”
- She once owned a Golden Labrador Retriever named "Kitty". (#7: “Promises, Promises”)
- In #24: “Gotcha!”, she reads her horoscope under Leo, placing her birthday between July 23 and August 22, however in #554: “Call Me if You Care” it is mentioned that it is the week before Christmas, just before she mentions that her father's birthday present for her came 6 months late, placing her birthday in June.
- She once wore grease paint to track down a cash register thief. (#113: “Suspicious Minds”)
- She doesn't like going upside down on amusement park rides. (#220: “This is Chad Pearson?”)
- She once saved up to buy a 'brand new' 1967 Ford. (#113: “Suspicious Minds”)
- She was Eugene's driving instructor. (#194: “A License to Drive”)
- She had a credit card, but she over-used it. (#323: “A Little Credit, Please”)
- Dreams By Constance is Connie's wedding coordinator side job. (#353: “A Question About Tasha”, #374: “For Whom the Wedding Bells Toll, Part 3”, #570: “For Better or For Worse, Part 1”, #571: “For Better or For Worse, Part 2”, #667: “The Mystery of the Clock Tower, Part 1”, #679: “The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 1”)
- She has scars on two of her fingers from a knife. She cut her fingers when Harlow Doyle yelled. (#369: “It's a Wrap!”)
- She was her high school's valedictorian. (#405: “The Graduate”)
- She is not good at cooking. Eugene told Mandy that he "experienced her mashed potatoes...and nearly broke a tooth." (#443: “Changing Rodney”)
- Her favorite snack is sour cream and onion potato chips. (#482: “Grand Opening, Part 2”)
- Her favorite ice cream flavors are Chocolate Chip & Pistachio, but not together. (#542: “Eggshells”) Though she most commonly orders strawberry.
- At one point in her relationship with Mitch, she dyed her hair "raspberry chestnut," which turns out purple. (#483: “Secrets”) Eugene said (sarcastically) that it was "an improvement". (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- Her favorite sweater is the yellow one she was wearing when she met Robert Mitchell. (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”, #463: “Green Eyes and Yellow Tulips”)
- She is not good at tennis and ended up hitting Mitch in the face with her racquet. She was, however, the fourth-grade table tennis champion. (#483: “Secrets”)
- She is left-handed. (#483: “Secrets”)
- She has a fear of staplers. (#485: “Plan B, Part 2: Collision Course”, #602: “Mum’s the Word”, (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- She hates blind dates more than staplers. (#787: “Between the Lines, Part 1”)
- Her favorite kind of tea is peppermint. (#495: “The Unraveling”)
- She and Eugene were camp rivals when they were kids, despite not meeting each other. (#583: “The Champ of the Camp”)
- She wears a size 6 in pants. (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- Her favorite food is cookie dough. (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- She has a habit of "testing ice cream for freezer burns". (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- She is allergic to walnuts. (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- She is always misplacing her cell phone. (#675: “A Thankstaking Story”)
- She hates raspberry soda. (#692: “A Penny Saved”)
- She and Penny share an apartment. (#692: “A Penny Saved”, #697: “A Penny Earned”)
- She likes bowling but isn't very good at it. She had a record of 24 at one time. (#482: “Grand Opening, Part 2”)
- Her exact age (it takes 2.8 yrs to equal one year for Connie) is 28 as of 09-09-14 (from the Official Podcast).
- At one point in her relationship with Mitch, she made sandwiches that were too large to hold together and stuck toothpicks in them to keep them from falling apart; unfortunately, she forgot to tell him about the toothpicks before he bit into the sandwich.
- She was said to have uneven nostrils by the representatives of the Imperial Modeling Agency. (#544: “Split Ends”)
- She is 5 feet 9 inches tall.
- She has green eyes.
- According to Whit, she is Whit's End's best employee. (#534: “Something Blue, Part 2”), (#892: “Millstones”)
- Though her signature color is green, her favorite color is blue.
- She has her own newsletter. (#610: “Hear Me, Hear Me”)
- In the Spanish version of Adventures in Odyssey, Connie comes from Mexico City instead of Los Angeles, California.
- She loves bacon. #737: “The Pilot, Part 1”
- She once tried to create a stained glass effect on her bedroom skylight with magic markers. #736: “Life Expectancy, Part 3”
- She is good at replicating artwork. (#681: “The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 3”)
- She once planned to start a bejeweling business called Creations By Connie. #696: “You're Two Kind” Though, since Connie's bejeweling habit was part of a test for Eugene, she may not have been sincere about Creations By Connie.
- She used to read the horoscope before she became a Christian. (that believe it or not, lead to the creation of the Bible Room.) (#24: “Gotcha!” and #266: “It Began with a Rabbit's Foot”)
- She used to copy paintings in Benjamin Trask's art class in “The Green Ring Conspiracy”
- She took ballet when she was little. (#532: “Pink is Not My Color”)
- She still sleeps with a stuffed giraffe. (#850: “The Shame About Fame”)
- Her least favorite words are mucus and moist (#856: “Much Ado about Jealousy”)
- She had a pet fish, which was first owned by Lindsey (#614: “Best of Enemies”)
- According to Eugene, she considers an unforgivable crime a plaid shirt with a polka dot tie (#610: Hear Me, Hear Me)
- She doesn't like powdered hot chocolate. She enjoys it if it's melted semi-sweet chocolate with steamed milk covered in chocolate shavings with miniature marshmallows. (#610: Hear Me, Hear Me)
- Connie once went undercover as a clown. However, she left once she almost got shot out of a cannon. (#604: “Like Father, Like Wooton”)
- Her license plate reads "164EVAH" (Elsewhere in Odyssey, Byte Sized Adventures)
Album Appearances
Connie Kendall has appeared in the following albums:
- Family Portraits
- The Lost Episodes (9 episodes)
- Album 01: The Adventure Begins (6 episodes)
- Album 02: The Wildest Summer Ever (3 episodes)
- Album 03: Heroes (10 episodes)
- Album 04: FUN-damentals (9 episodes)
- Album 05: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes (7 episodes)
- Album 06: Mission: Accomplished (6 episodes)
- Album 07: On Thin Ice (5 episodes)
- Album 08: Beyond Expectations (9 episodes)
- Album 09: Just in Time (6 episodes)
- Album 10: Other Times, Other Places (6 episodes)
- Album 11: It’s Another Fine Day...
- Album 12: At Home and Abroad (7 episodes)
- Album 13: It All Started When... (4 episodes)
- Album 14: Meanwhile, in Another Part of Town (5 episodes)
- Album 15: A Place of Wonder (9 episodes)
- Album 16: Flights of Imagination (5 episodes)
- Album 17: On Earth as It Is in Heaven (3 episodes)
- Album 18: A Time of Discovery (4 episodes)
- Album 19: Passport to Adventure (3 episodes)
- Album 20: A Journey of Choices (6 episodes)
- Album 21: Wish You Were Here! (4 episodes)
- Album 22: The Changing Times (3 episodes)
- Album 23: Twists and Turns (3 episodes)
- Album 24: Risks and Rewards (5 episodes)
- Album 25: Darkness Before Dawn (8 episodes)
- Album 26: Back on the Air (5 episodes)
- Album 27: The Search for Whit (7 episodes)
- Album 28: Welcome Home! (6 episodes)
- Album 29: Signed, Sealed and Committed (7 episodes)
- Album 30: Through Thick and Thin (2 episodes)
- Album 31: Days to Remember (6 episodes)
- Album 32: Hidden Treasures (5 episodes)
- Album 33: Virtual Realities (5 episodes)
- Album 34: In Your Wildest Dreams (8 episodes)
- Album 35: The Big Picture (4 episodes)
- Album 36: Danger Signals (9 episodes)
- Album 37: Countermoves (8 episodes)
- Album 38: Battle Lines (9 episodes)
- Album 39: Friends, Family, and Countrymen (4 episodes)
- Album 40: Out of Control (5 episodes)
- Album 41: In Hot Pursuit (7 episodes)
- Album 42: No Way Out (6 episodes)
- Album 43: Along for the Ride (3 episodes)
- Album 44: Eugene Returns! (10 episodes)
- Album 45: Lost and Found (6 episodes)
- Album 46: A Date with Dad (and Other Calamities) (3 episodes)
- Album 47: Into the Light (6 episodes)
- Album 48: Moment of Truth (4 episodes)
- Album 49: The Sky’s the Limit (5 episodes)
- Album 50: The Best Small Town (10 episodes)
- The Truth Chronicles (4 episodes)
- Passages: Darien’s Rise
- Album 51: Take it From the Top (4 episodes)
- Album 52: Cause and Effect (6 episodes)
- Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy (10 episodes)
- Album 54: Clanging Cymbals...and the Meaning of God's Love (4 episodes)
- Album 55: The Deep End (4 episodes)
- Album 56: The Grand Design (8 episodes)
- Album 57: A Call to Something More (7 episodes)
- Album 58: The Ties That Bind (13 episodes)
- Album 59: Taking the Plunge (4 episodes)
- Album 60: Head Over Heels (3 episodes)
- Album 61: Without a Hitch (3 episodes)
- Album 62: Let’s Put on a Show! (4 episodes)
- Album 63: Up in the Air (5 episodes)
- Album 64: Under the Surface (1 episode)
- Album 65: Expect the Unexpected (3 episodes)
- Album 66: Trial by Fire (2 episodes)
- Album 67: More Than Meets the Eye (2 episodes)
- Album 68: Out of the Blue (2 episodes)
- Album 69: Best Kept Secrets (2 episodes)
- Album 70: Finding a Way (3 episodes)
- Album 71: A Slippery Slope (1 episode)
- Album 72: The Long Road Home (3 episodes)
- Album 73: 28 Hours (5 episodes)
- Album 74: Buckle Up! (3 episodes)
- Album 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (4 episodes)
- Album 76: Keep it Together (1 episode)
- Album 77: A New Perspective (2 episodes)
- Album 78: At Face Value
- Album 79: 11th Hour
Connie Kendall has appeared in the following club seasons:
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1 (5 episodes)
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2 (3 episodes)
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3 (2 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4 (3 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5 (4 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6 (3 episodes)
- 30th Birthday Live Show (album) (1 episode)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 10 (4 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 11 (2 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 12
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 7 (4 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 8 (2 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 9 (3 episodes)
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 1 (8 episodes)
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 2 (8 episodes)
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 3 (9 episodes)
- B-TV: The Collection (12 episodes)
- Daily Bible Readings (album)
- Hope in Trying Times (8 episodes)
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6 Soundtrack
- The Leonard Meltsner Saga
- The Officer Harley Collection (10 episodes)
Connie Kendall has appeared on the front cover of the following albums:
Connie Kendall has appeared on the back cover of the following albums:
See Kendall quotes.
- 1997 Magnet
- 2002 Trading Cards
- 2012 Clubhouse Magazine Set
- 2014 Magnet
- 2016 4 Character Postcard
- 2016 Christmas Ornament
- 2016 Connie and Wooton Postcard
- 2016 Crosswalk Postcard
- 2016 Imagination Station Postcard
- 2016 The Deep End Postcard
- 2016 The Ties That Bind Postcard
- 2017 Purple Connie Christmas Ornament
- 2017 Purple Connie Wristband
- 2018 Beach Towel
- 2018 Fidget Spinner
- 2018 Purple Connie Pen
- 2018 Red Cinch Sack
- 2021 Connie Christmas Ornament
- 2022 Lunchbox
- 2023 Discovery Emporium Connie Apron
- 2024 Connie Kendall Trading Card
- 2024 Iconic Group 18x18 Pillow
- 2024 Iconic Group 22x22 Pillow
- 2024 Iconic Group Lumbar 12x20 Pillow
- 2024 Trading Cards
- 20th Birthday Poster
- Album 50 Poster
- Album 51 Poster
- Black Shirt 2016
- Blue Cruise Memory Book
- Blue Frosted Water Bottle 2023
- Blue Water Bottle 2017
- Ceramic Mug Collection
- Christmas Promo Cards 2016
- Connie Action Figure
- Connie Dog Tags
- Crosswalk Poster
- Cut and Fold characters
- Fab 4 Poster
- February 1990 Clubhouse Magazine
- Four Character Navy Hoodie 2017
- Get in The Show 2012 Card
- Green Frosted Water Bottle 2023
- Green Large Flying Disc
- Green Water Bottle 2017
- Imagination Station Poster
- July 2006 Clubhouse Magazine
- June 2002 Clubhouse Magazine
- May 2013 Clubhouse Magazine
- Mystery Mini Poster
- Navy Shirt 2017
- November 2017 Clubhouse Magazine
- OAC Promo Poster
- October 2007 Clubhouse Magazine
- Orange Water Bottle 2017
- Painting Cap 90s
- Pink Water Bottle 2017
- Purple Connie Cap 2021
- Purple Connie Cap 2023
- Purple Connie Clear Water Bottle 2018
- Purple Connie Mug 2017
- Purple Connie Shirt
- Purple Connie Shirt 2015
- Purple Connie Water Bottle 2015
- Purple Connie Water Bottle 2017
- Purple Water Bottle 2017
- Red Frosted Water Bottle 2023
- Red Glow in the Dark Water Bottle 2023
- Red Large Flying Disc
- Red Town Memory Book
- Red Water Bottle 2017
- Smoke Water Bottle 2016
- Suspicious Minds (sampler booklet)
- The Caves of Qumran (book)
- The Deep End Poster
- The Ties that Bind Poster
- Whit's End Poster 1
- Whit's End Poster 2
- Whit's End Poster 3
- White 1,000 Episodes Character Shirt 2024
- White Connie Adult Shirt
- White Connie Mug 2017
- Wonderworld Mini Poster
- Zipper Pull
All (465) · Katie Leigh (1987-2024) · Meagan Smith (2006) · Videos (4) |
As seen in Album 49: The Sky's the Limit
Connie in Odyssey Sings!
Futuristic Connie in Drake the Cosmic Copper
From Album 31
From Album 51
Connie in Album 57: A Call to Something More
From Album 34
Connie running B-TV.
Connie at the New Year's Eve Live Show
Connie holding on tight as she attempts to teach Eugene to drive.
Connie chasing the car that took Mitch.
Connie sitting with Lucy while David Timic "awakens the curse".
Connie and Whit watching Robyn play the organ in the tower of Whit's End.
- Connie in the Video Series
- Featured articles
- Characters who are Christians
- Major Characters
- Video characters
- Episode characters
- Characters in 966: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 1
- Characters in 967: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 2
- Characters in 968: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 3
- Characters in 969: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 4
- Characters in 973: Extended Cut
- Characters in 974: The Show Must Go On (and On)
- Characters in 975: Naughty or Nice
- Characters in 979: Right Notes, Wrong Key
- Characters in 987: Quiet as a Smouse
- Characters in 992: Unmanagable
- Characters in 993: Facing the Music
- Characters in 998: Express Salvation
- Characters in ???: A Thousand Blessings
- Characters voiced by more than one actor
- Characters who have appeared in comics
- Whit's End
- Israelites
- Cut and Fold Characters