List of characters

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Alphabetically: 0–9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

By appearances: 1–50 · 51–100 · Major · Minor · Recurring · One time | By number of actors: More than one | Video characters: List

All characters are sorted alphabetically and by number of appearances. Click on a link above to browse the character list.

50 random characters

Ellen Shepard • Jesus Christ • Mahlon • Abraham Lincoln • Guy • Richard Hudson • Reginald Duffield • Larry Walker • Morty Blight • Carson McKay • Joey Donovan • Jami Martin • Stacey • Humphrey • Dale Jacobs • Irwin Springer • Harvey Nelson • Ethel (a) • Principal Jones • Leah • Mr. Henderson • Madison Bassett • Brink Chetley • Mr. Gardener • Hans Armstrong • Johnny Bickle • Barbara Mansfield • Marge • Shirley Zigler • Bobby (a) • Liz Horton • Billy Barton • Alex Jefferson • Eustace • Harry Wainwright • Kelly Woods • Ed Renfield • Linda • Mr. Winthrop • Leonard (a) • Jerry Morton • Melvin Steward • Noah • Joe (b) • Filthy Pete Sludgeman • Esther (b) • Mrs. Murray • Pamela (a) • Jeff (c) • Billy