Bernard Walton

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Bernard Walton
Episode appearances
Video appearances
Episode mentions
[[:Category:{{{type}}} Characters|{{{type}}}]][[Category:{{{type}}} Characters]]
First episode
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Last episode mention


Bernard Walton is a major character in Adventures in Odyssey, voiced by David Madden. As Odyssey’s resident window-washer, janitor, and philosopher, Bernard takes great pride in doing things right, putting him at odds with today’s shortcuts and shortcut-takers. Despite his grousing and muttering, he has a heart of gold and tells great stories, which makes him a natural to host the television program, B-TV.

Bernard first appeared in #106: “By Any Other Name” and has since become a regular character on the program. Though kind-hearted, Walton is somewhat cynical and grumpy, but is most widely known for his metaphorical humor and penchant for storytelling, usually Bible stories. He is often heard complaining about how children at Whit's End touch the newly cleaned windows, smudging them. He also can be heard muttering things like, "Back in my day..." and "Why don't parents teach their kids to..." He uses plain and simple language, and often gets confused with big words.

Common-sense Walton's foil is intellectual college student Eugene Meltsner; the two quarrel often, but remain friends, especially due to the revelation in #157: “Last in a Long Line” that the two are somewhat-distant cousins. This constant fighting is a result of Bernard's annoyance at Eugene's impractical tendencies and Eugene's superiority complex.

Bernard is married to Maude Walton, who is often mentioned but rarely heard on the program.


Adventures in Odyssey said in a letter that Bernard Walton's character would not be included in any future episodes. (He had been dropped after the 2010 relaunch.)

Bernard's actor Dave Madden passed away in 2014.



Well, paint me red all over and send me to a four-alarm fire sirens blazing!
Well, pin a tail on me and call me a donkey.
Well, stuff me with feathers and call me a pillow!
Well, scratch my ears and call me Sparky.
Well, paint me with three eyes and call me Picasso!
Well, stick me with needles and call me a pin cushion.
Well, cover me in rust and call me a pickup.
Fill me with popcorn and call me Cracker Jack!
Stuff me with spinach and call me a soufflé.
Well, smack me with a stick and call me a piñata.
Well, dare me to discipline and name me Dr. Dobson.


Album Appearances

Bernard Walton has appeared in the following albums:

Bernard Walton has appeared in the following club seasons:

Bernard Walton has appeared on the front cover of the following albums:

Bernard Walton has appeared on the back cover of the following albums:


See Walton quotes.


Bernard Walton has appeared in 92 episodes, has been voiced by 3 actors.

All (92)  · David Griffin (1992)  · Josh Shada (2004)  · Dave Madden (1990-2023)  · Videos (1)

Bernard Walton has been mentioned in 10 episodes.

Bernard Walton has appeared in 9 comic story arc(s).

Pictures of Bernard Walton
