Bernard Walton
Bernard Walton is a major character in Adventures in Odyssey, voiced by David Madden. As Odyssey’s resident window-washer, janitor, and philosopher, Bernard takes great pride in doing things right, putting him at odds with today’s shortcuts and shortcut-takers. Despite his grousing and muttering, he has a heart of gold and tells great stories, which makes him a natural to host the television program, B-TV.
Bernard first appeared in #106: “By Any Other Name” and has since become a regular character on the program. Though kind-hearted, Walton is somewhat cynical and grumpy, but is most widely known for his metaphorical humor and penchant for storytelling, usually Bible stories. He is often heard complaining about how children at Whit's End touch the newly cleaned windows, smudging them. He also can be heard muttering things like, "Back in my day..." and "Why don't parents teach their kids to..." He uses plain and simple language, and often gets confused with big words.
Common-sense Walton's foil is intellectual college student Eugene Meltsner; the two quarrel often, but remain friends, especially due to the revelation in #157: “Last in a Long Line” that the two are somewhat-distant cousins. This constant fighting is a result of Bernard's annoyance at Eugene's impractical tendencies and Eugene's superiority complex.
Bernard is married to Maude Walton, who is often mentioned but rarely heard on the program.
Adventures in Odyssey said in a letter that Bernard Walton's character would not be included in any future episodes. (He had been dropped after the 2010 relaunch.)
Bernard's actor Dave Madden passed away in 2014.
- He is married to Maude Walton (#107: “Bad Luck”)
- He is 2nd cousins to Eugene Meltsner (#157: “Last in a Long Line”)
- His father, and much of the rest of his family, were also janitors (#246: “My Fair Bernard”, #200: “Feud for Thought”)
- He has 5 siblings (Bettina, Beulah, Benjamin, Boris, and Bosco) (#200: “Feud for Thought”). One of his brothers is excellent at chess (#396: “Poor Loser”)
- He has an Uncle Ted, who fills in his bald spot with a brown Sharpie (#602: “Mum’s the Word”)
- He has an uncle Emmett who is also bald (#460: “Nova Rising”)
- He had an uncle Pete who got kicked by a cow (#565: “A Most Surprising Answer”)
- He has an aunt Mildred who is excellent at both chess and parcheesi (#396: “Poor Loser”)
- He is 5 feet 2 inches.
- He has bluish-green eyes (#618: “The Other Side of the Glass, Part 3”).
- He is incredibly illiterate when it comes to computers, though he did use them in #267: “It Ended with a Handshake” with Eugene's help.
- He once beat Eugene in chess playing six times in a row (#396: “Poor Loser”).
- He has a taste for sugary breakfast cereal, two of his favorites being Sugar Frosty Puffs and Choco Chums (#178: “Room Mates”, #396: “Poor Loser”)
- He once went on a diet along with Wooton and Whit, with Connie as coach. He stole a brownie and Wooton started to chase him but he trampled on it and they threw it in the pond; this plus Wooton cutting some of his non-important body parts is the way Wooton and Bernard lost weight (#513: “Do or Diet”).
- He lives with his wife Maude in a spacious 3-bedroom Victorian home, which is located next door to the home of the short-lived Odyssey character Cody Carper (#178: “Room Mates”, #379: “Best Face Forward”).
- His mailbox is in the shape of a squeegee bucket.
- He's a big fan of the singer Hip Hobson (#278: “The Fifth House on the Left, Part 1”, #433b: “Chain Reaction”)
- He tried to get Jack Allen together with a hairdresser before Jack met Joanne Woodston.
- He invented a self-cleaning bucket for which he hoped to get a patent (#460: “Nova Rising”).
Album Appearances
Bernard Walton has appeared in the following albums:
- Family Portraits
- The Lost Episodes (3 episodes)
- Album 01: The Adventure Begins
- Album 02: The Wildest Summer Ever
- Album 03: Heroes
- Album 04: FUN-damentals
- Album 05: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes
- Album 06: Mission: Accomplished
- Album 07: On Thin Ice
- Album 08: Beyond Expectations (4 episodes)
- Album 09: Just in Time (2 episodes)
- Album 10: Other Times, Other Places (1 episode)
- Album 11: It’s Another Fine Day...
- Album 12: At Home and Abroad (2 episodes)
- Album 13: It All Started When... (1 episode)
- Album 14: Meanwhile, in Another Part of Town (1 episode)
- Album 15: A Place of Wonder (2 episodes)
- Album 16: Flights of Imagination
- Album 17: On Earth as It Is in Heaven (1 episode)
- Album 18: A Time of Discovery (1 episode)
- Album 19: Passport to Adventure (2 episodes)
- Album 20: A Journey of Choices (4 episodes)
- Album 21: Wish You Were Here! (7 episodes)
- Album 22: The Changing Times (2 episodes)
- Album 23: Twists and Turns (1 episode)
- Album 24: Risks and Rewards (1 episode)
- Album 25: Darkness Before Dawn (4 episodes)
- Album 26: Back on the Air
- Album 27: The Search for Whit (2 episodes)
- Album 28: Welcome Home! (2 episodes)
- Album 29: Signed, Sealed and Committed (4 episodes)
- Album 30: Through Thick and Thin (2 episodes)
- Album 31: Days to Remember (3 episodes)
- Album 32: Hidden Treasures (1 episode)
- Album 33: Virtual Realities (1 episode)
- Album 34: In Your Wildest Dreams (2 episodes)
- Album 35: The Big Picture (3 episodes)
- Album 36: Danger Signals
- Album 37: Countermoves
- Album 38: Battle Lines
- Album 39: Friends, Family, and Countrymen (2 episodes)
- Album 40: Out of Control (2 episodes)
- Album 41: In Hot Pursuit (1 episode)
- Album 42: No Way Out (3 episodes)
- Album 43: Along for the Ride
- Album 44: Eugene Returns! (6 episodes)
- Album 45: Lost and Found (1 episode)
- Album 46: A Date with Dad (and Other Calamities)
- Album 47: Into the Light (2 episodes)
- Album 48: Moment of Truth (5 episodes)
- Album 49: The Sky’s the Limit (1 episode)
- Album 50: The Best Small Town (3 episodes)
- The Truth Chronicles
- Passages: Darien’s Rise
- Album 51: Take it From the Top
- Album 52: Cause and Effect
- Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy
- Album 54: Clanging Cymbals...and the Meaning of God's Love
- Album 55: The Deep End
- Album 56: The Grand Design
- Album 57: A Call to Something More
- Album 58: The Ties That Bind
- Album 59: Taking the Plunge
- Album 60: Head Over Heels
- Album 61: Without a Hitch
- Album 62: Let’s Put on a Show!
- Album 63: Up in the Air
- Album 64: Under the Surface
- Album 65: Expect the Unexpected
- Album 66: Trial by Fire
- Album 67: More Than Meets the Eye
- Album 68: Out of the Blue
- Album 69: Best Kept Secrets
- Album 70: Finding a Way
- Album 71: A Slippery Slope
- Album 72: The Long Road Home
- Album 73: 28 Hours
- Album 74: Buckle Up!
- Album 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (1 episode)
- Album 76: Keep it Together
- Album 77: A New Perspective
- Album 78: At Face Value
- Album 79: 11th Hour
Bernard Walton has appeared in the following club seasons:
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2 (1 episode)
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6
- 30th Birthday Live Show (album)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 10
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 11
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 12
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 7
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 8
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 9
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 1
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 2
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 3
- B-TV: The Collection (10 episodes)
- Daily Bible Readings (album)
- Hope in Trying Times (5 episodes)
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6 Soundtrack
- The Leonard Meltsner Saga (1 episode)
- The Officer Harley Collection
Bernard Walton has appeared on the front cover of the following albums:
Bernard Walton has appeared on the back cover of the following albums:
- See Walton quotes.
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Pictures of Bernard Walton
Bernard on the cover of Album 50.
Eugene and Bernard arguing in Room Mates.