Marianne Hering

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Marianne Hering
Books Written 48
Podcast Appearances 4



Marianne has over 12 years of editing experience with Focus on the Family in both periodicals and books. She currently specializes in teen discipleship products. She is the author of 6 children's novels and coauthor of The Power of Teachable Moments. Her freelance writing is varied and includes Bible phonic readers, children's historical fiction, and parenting humor.

Marianne Hering is a prolific writer, having written hundreds of articles and a number of books for children and parents. For nine years she worked for several magazines in Focus on the Family's periodicals department and became the editor of Clubhouse, a Focus on the Family children's magazine with a circulation of over 100,000.

Marianne's book titles include two series for girls (Lights, Camera, Action; and White House Adventures) and a recent biography of William Bradford. Her most recent title is a compilation of activities from Clubhouse magazine, the Focus on the Family Clubhouse Family Activity Book.

As a mother of three children, Marianne is interested in parenting and education issues, including home schooling and tutoring reading. She graduated from Biola University (La Mirada, California) with a degree in psychology and has continued her education with courses in writing and editing. She and her husband, Doug, live in Colorado with their nine-year-old daughter, Danielle, and two-year-old twin sons, Justin and Kendrick.

Books Written

Books (48) · Podcasts (4)

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