A Christmas Odyssey

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A Christmas Odyssey
[[{{{season}}} Season| {{{season}}}]]
[[{{{season3}}} Season| {{{season3}}}]]
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{{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes in A Christmas Odyssey}}%
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A Christmas Odyssey


Forget those serene manger images you see on Christmas cards. A Christmas Odyssey revisits the Christmas story as Connie and Eugene "crash" Bethlehem for Jesus' birth. "Silent Night?" Hardly! Then zoom back to the present for a Kids' Radio reenactment that's too close for comfort: "Mary" goes into premature labor! There's enough drama to go around for several Christmases. Or multiple replays. Whichever comes first.

Episodes Included

Episode Original Airdate Writer Director Rating Buy Preview
#5: “Gifts for Madge and Guy”
December 19, 1987
Phil Lollar
Phil Lollar
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Mr. Whittaker tells a "fractured" version of a famous Christmas story, starring an unusual couple named Madge and Guy.

#6: “The Day After Christmas”
December 26, 1987
Paul McCusker
Phil Lollar
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The morning after Christmas, a young girl who's already bored with her presents wanders into Whit's End looking for something to do.

#96: “The Reluctant Rival”
December 9, 1989
Paul McCusker
Paul McCusker
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Whit's granddaughter, Jenny Whittaker-Dowd, is given a special violin solo which causes friction with the other children.

#97: “Monty's Christmas”
December 16, 1989
Paul McCusker
Paul McCusker
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Frustrated that his mother always insults his father, Monty Whittaker-Dowd tries to find a way to escape from his family problems.

#135: “Back to Bethlehem, Part 1”
December 8, 1990
Paul McCusker
Phil Lollar
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Connie and Eugene go into the Imagination Station and experience the birth of Jesus Christ!

#136: “Back to Bethlehem, Part 2”
December 15, 1990
Paul McCusker
Phil Lollar
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Connie and Eugene go into the Imagination Station and experience the birth of Jesus Christ!

#137: “Back to Bethlehem, Part 3”
December 22, 1990
Paul McCusker
Phil Lollar
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Connie and Eugene go into the Imagination Station and experience the birth of Jesus Christ!

#176: “The Star, Part 1”
December 14, 1991
Phil Lollar
Phil Lollar
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Connie and Eugene take another Christmas trip in the Imagination Station to meet King Herod, three wise men, and the baby Jesus.

#177: “The Star, Part 2”
December 21, 1991
Phil Lollar
Phil Lollar
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Eugene Meltsner and Connie Kendall get separated in the Imagination Station when they return to finish their adventure following the birth of Jesus.

#294: “Unto Us a Child Is Born”
December 24, 1994
Paul McCusker
Paul McCusker
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On Christmas eve, Jimmy produces a live Kids' radio presentation of the birth of Jesus--which includes an unexpected real birth.

#581: “A Christmas Conundrum”
December 10, 2005
Kathy Buchanan
Marshal Younger
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Eugene, Tom, Connie, and Whit get confused over who's giving which Christmas present to whom.

#582: “Silent Night”
December 17, 2005
John Fornof
Bob Hoose
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At home alone on Christmas Eve, Whit remembers holidays past that were difficult--but still made for treasured family memories.


Writer Episode Number
005 006 096 097 135 136 137 176 177 294 581 582
John Fornof
Kathy Buchanan
Paul McCusker
Phil Lollar
Steve Harris


  • The A Christmas Odyssey album is a holidays-themed set, intended to celebrate the birth of Christ and the Christmas season. This album contains 4 CDs with a total of 12 episodes.

