United States
The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America. It is a federal union of 50 states and a federal capital district, Washington, D.C. 48 contiguous states border Canada to the north and Mexico to the south, with the states of Alaska to the northwest and the archipelagic Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The United States also asserts sovereignty over five major island territories and various uninhabited islands. The country has the world's third-largest land area, largest exclusive economic zone, and third-largest population, exceeding 340 million.
Relation to Odyssey
When Focus on the Family developed Adventures in Odyssey in the 1980's, the original show title was "Odyssey, USA". This would change by the mid-1990's to appeal to non-American listeners. Nonetheless, Odyssey is firmly established as a city in the United States, although the location of its state is unknown. Nearly every known Odyssey resident is American. Numerous have served in the United States Armed Forces, such as John Whittaker, Ronald Perkins, Mark Horton. Additionally, Adventures in Odyssey characters such as Jason Whittaker and Tasha Forbes have worked for agencies such as the US's National Security Agency. It is known that United States presidents have passed through town as well. US cities that appear frequently in the show include Los Angeles, Chicago, and Baltimore.