User:Mamie Rose

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I'm a teenager who loves Odyssey. What I like best about AIO is how well written and acted it is. Everyone involved with the production has top notch skills. It's a joy to experience.

I love Jesus with all my heart, and it is my goal to serve Him in all that I do. I'm one of those sold-out, Jesus freak people.

I love writing, film-making, and audio drama production, among other things.

My occupation: God Glorifier.

"I can play the background, I can play the background, 'cause I know sometimes I get in the way. So won't You take the lead? And I can play the background." - Lecrae

My Blog

This user puts Adventures in Odyssey on their iPod.

This user is a huge fan of the Novacom Saga

My Favorite Characters

My favorite female characters are: 1. Connie Kendall 2. Katrina Meltsner

My favorite male characters are: 1. Whit 2. Jason Whittaker 3. Wooton 4. Alex Jefferson 5. Barrett Jones 7. Ryan Cummings 8. Jay Smouse

Random Quote

Mandy Straussberg: Do you have any advice on how I should take care of him?
Eugene Meltsner: Well, as a matter of fact, there are a few items to keep in mind. Clean his water every other day. One meal per day is enough to sustain him. Supply him with a balanced diet of worms, breadcrumbs, water fleas and plants, and take care not to overfeed him. Keep his water temperature at 18.4 degrees Celsius, of course, and make sure he has plenty of shade, because goldfish do not have eyelids. Do you understand?
Mandy Straussberg: Um...clean his water how often?
“Sunset Bowlawater”