EIO: Prom Perfect

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EIO: Prom Perfect
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EIO 9 Prom Perfect Story Arc Thumbnail.jpg
[[{{{series2}}} (Comic series)|{{{series2}}}]]
First Release
Written By
Cover Artist
Cover Designer
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Edited By
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Inventions Used
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Number of Pages
Working title
ISBN (eComic)
ISBN (Hardback)

Other websites
EIO: Tokyo Woe EIO: Prom Perfect EIO: The Lost City

"EIO: Prom Perfect" is a story arc in the Elsewhere in Odyssey Comic Series.


Trent eagerly prepares for prom, envisioning a glamorous evening with Mandy. However, his plans spiral into chaos as mundane mishaps lead to a series of comedic misadventures, from a malfunctioning car to a run-in with a relentless dog. Despite the setbacks, Trent and Mandy's bond deepens as they navigate the unpredictable journey, ultimately finding joy and laughter amidst the chaos of their unforgettable prom night.


Mandy and Liz, now in high school, discuss their history midterm outside at lunch. Suddenly, a cheer squad arrives, and Mandy becomes the target of a prom proposal spelled out by the squad. However, due to a misunderstanding, "PROM" becomes "ROM," leading to a comical exchange between Trent, the proposer, and the cheer captain. Despite the mishap, Mandy blushingly accepts Trent's prom proposal, leading to an adorable moment witnessed by the rest of the courtyard.

Several weeks later, in a vivid daydream, Trent imagines the perfect prom night with Mandy. He envisions himself as a dashing secret agent, picking up Mandy from a mansion, and arriving at the school amidst applause and adoration. They are crowned Prom King and Queen, and end the night flying on a Pegasus to Hal's Diner for fries and milkshakes. Back in reality, Trent sighs with satisfaction, believing the evening will be perfect.

Trent's preparation for prom hits real-life obstacles. He hurriedly completes chores and struggles to ready himself, while his brother Jared teases him about the date. Meanwhile, Mandy faces her own challenges with tangled hair and rebellious contact lenses, eventually deciding to wear her glasses. As both scramble to be on time, their nerves and excitement build. Trent nervously arrives at Mandy's house, greeted by her parents and brother. Despite his initial awkwardness, Trent is speechless at Mandy's beauty as she descends the stairs. They pose for pictures, and Mandy's brother gives Trent an over-protective warning.

As they head to the car, Trent reassures himself that the worst is over, but the car's strange noises hint otherwise. The car breaks down, and Mandy's dad is unable to fix it. With no other options and a long wait for a ride-share, they decide to use Mandy's brother David's grungy car, which smells of old pizza. En route to the school, they get stuck in a traffic jam. Deciding to walk the rest of the way, they begin their journey on foot, Trent's spirit starting to waver. Their walk is interrupted by Bart in front of the Electric Palace, who tries to sell them light-up tiaras. Despite Trent's reluctance, Mandy accepts one to humor him.

Their trek takes a turn for the worse when a dog chases them, forcing them to flee and ultimately commandeer a neighbor's bike. Mandy's dress gets caught and torn, adding to their disheveled appearance. They finally make it to the school, looking worse for wear. Exhausted and dirty, Trent despairs outside the school, but Mandy convinces him that the night can still be salvaged. She reassures him that their relationship isn't about perfection, but about being together through thick and thin. Encouraged, they enter the prom, where their friends greet them with concern and amusement.

Despite their bedraggled state, Trent and Mandy enjoy the night, taking silly photos and dancing. The prom ends with Trent and Mandy joining their friends Liz and Alex in a rented limo, continuing the celebration at Hal's diner with fries and milkshakes. The final panel of the night contrasts two photos: one from the start of the night when they were pristine but nervous, and another from the end, where they are messy but clearly happy and comfortable with each other.

Lastly, the story jumps to Trent and Mandy's wedding day. Surrounded by friends and family, including some familiar faces from the prom night, they walk down the aisle. Mandy teases Trent about having spinach in his teeth during the ceremony, a humorous callback to the imperfections of their prom night. Trent's acceptance of this imperfection symbolizes his growth and their enduring love. The series concludes with Trent's heartfelt "I do," emphasizing that true love isn't about picture-perfect moments, but about embracing life's unpredictable adventures together.


Trent DeWhite
Mandy Straussberg
David Straussberg
Bart Rathbone
Alex Jefferson
Liz Horton
Jared DeWhite

References to Other Stories


  • This story takes place between Album 75 and Album 76, placing 12th graders Trent and Mandy in High School at the same time as 16 year old Buck and Jules.

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