Evan David

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Evan David
Evan David Head Shot.jpg
Episode Appearances 6
Episodes Written 3
Books Written 5
Podcast Appearances 2



Evan David is the Content Producer for Adventures in Odyssey. He was a freelance writer and animator before being hired on at Focus on the Family. He has a wife and two children, and has published several comic books and series. He is the creator and head writer of Elsewhere in Odyssey and Byte Sized Adventures.

Evan says in his own words from his personal website: "I love to tell stories, and I love to do it for the glory of God. Whether it's a novel, an audio drama, a comic, a video, a game, or a podcast, you name it, let's do it! If it stirs the heart and imagination, if it excites and astounds, if it brings attention to Jesus Christ, bring it on. God has blessed me with a creative mind and many means by which to use it, and I intend to honor Him in every creative thing I do, and if He wills it, I intend to do it a lot. I want to use all my time, talent, and treasure to create cool things for Jesus!"


Episodes Written (3) · Acting (6) · Books (5) · Podcasts (2)

Click one of the above tabs to see what Evan David has done on Adventures in Odyssey.
Evan David has written 3 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes written by Evan David }}%
Evan David has acted in 6 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with acting by Evan David }}%
Evan David has written 5 books with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Books written by Evan David }}%
Evan David has appeared in 2 podcasts

Pictures of Evan David