Adventures in Odyssey Wiki:Q and A/When Wooton and Penny were at comic conelsvile was the "Doctor Whovert" He refered to a spoof of Doctor Who?

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Question: When Wooton and Penny were at comic conelsvile was the "Doctor Whovert" He refered to a spoof of Doctor Who?
Additional Details: And does this make him an odds ail Whovian after his Doctor Who owl in For the Birds?

I don't see how it could be anything but a spoof of Doctor Who, given that they also very clearly referenced the TARDIS and the Daleks and included the line "Don't blink", which is a reference to a line in Doctor Who. Wooton is probably the Odyssey-verse equivalent to a Whovian. TigerShadow (talk) 17:30, 14 October 2014 (MDT)