Topic on Adventures in Odyssey Wiki:Town Hall2

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FOTF just updated the store (again) braking all links (again).

Aiow (talkcontribs)

Nearly all the links.

Every album. All the books. The clubhouse magazine link(s) (which FOTF has not even fixed yet on the clubhouse site) Some of the products.

Fascinating thing is for some of the products that are still in the store like the 2018 Fidget Spinner the product link still works and redirects to the new url. Yet others like the Ceramic Mug Collection do not work.

I was thinking for the books and albums instead of just going through and editing all the pages with the new link, why not have the respective template (book, album, etc.) automatically generate the url to the FOTF store? After a quick look it appears they are using this format "series-name" + Num + safe-album-name. That format holds true for the albums, the Blackgaard books, and the Imagination Station books. But not the Young Whit book series.

This seams very doable, and simple to exclude the Young Whit series that does not hold to the same format. I'll give this a day or so to hear your thoughts, and if there are no objections or problems raised I'll start right after that.