Adventures in Odyssey Wiki:Q and A/Why was the attraction between Donna Barclay and Jack Davis played up when he ends up marrying Lucy?

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Question: Why was the attraction between Donna Barclay and Jack Davis played up when he ends up marrying Lucy?

One thing to note is that even though donna liked Jack as a boyfriend, Jack only liked her as a friend. The relationship was kind of one-sided. Plus, it is noted that Jack was in love with Lucy, making a liking for Donna unable to go past friendship.Another thing to note is that the Barclays moved to Pokenberry Falls and had very little contact with Odyssey after that. All of these things said, the relationship would have been really hard for the Writers of Odyssey to make a reality. I don't know these things for a fact, it is merely speculation. RyanCummings 00:34, 16 April 2011 (UTC)