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Current Address

Focus on the Family has discontinued use of their traditional 80995 ZIP code. It still appears on nearly 650 episodes airing on the radio, though.

This is Adventures in Odyssey's current Address:

Adventures in Odyssey
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Former Address

Focus on the Family had its own zip code, So that why there is no street address in the Address.

This was Adventures in Odyssey's Address:

Adventures in Odyssey
Colorado Springs, CO 80995

In Canada, their address is:

Adventures in Odyssey
Box 9800
Vancouver BC, V6B 4G3

Original Address

This is Odyssey USA's Address, as well as Adventures in Odyssey's address, until the move to Colorado in 1991:

Odyssey USA
Pomona, CA 91799
