User:Conniekendall fan/Episode Reviews

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Where I review Odyssey episodes. Maximum rating is 5 👍's. And I'm a picky episode rater. This is all just my opinion.

#832: “Your Honest Opinion, Please”

Rating; 👍👍👍👍

I really liked this episode. The plot was pretty good, although Wooton was a little more childish than normal in my opinion. The point was to always tell the truth, even though it might hurt the person you tell it too.

It's better to just tell the truth instead of suffering, as Connie says in this episode. I like Tim David Michael, although he is very prideful and insensitive. Tim asks Connie to do a lot of things. He plays loud

annoying music, turns the air conditioning to a freezing temperature, and eats disgusting food that smells bad. Connie eventually tells him how he annoys her, and he is heart broken. The embarrassing part I

didn't like is when they move later in the scene, and Tim David Michael is crying like a little kid. I mean, I think that was a little. . .strange maybe? So I give this 4 thumbs up.

#833: “The Secret of the Writer's Ruse”

Rating; 👍👍

Unfortunately, I didn't really like this episode. It wasn't the best mystery for The Jones and Parker Detective Agency. The plot line wasn't the best. There really weren't very many events that occurred in this

episode. Most of their other mysteries were more eventful, and less dull. Morrie Rydell reappeared in this episode, which I liked. I think that eventually his backstory will come out. You can see the Rydell Saga to

learn more about him. Maggie's character is pretty good. This is a short review because there are only so many words that can be said for this episode. I give it 2 out of 5 thumbs up.

#396: “Poor Loser”

Rating; 👍👍👍👍1/2

I like this episode because of Eugene's reaction to Bernard's winning every single game. He didn't sleep, ended sentences with prepositions, and at one point was even wearing his shoes on the wrong feet. He

said to Connie "Today Bernard Walton beats me at chess, Tomorrow the earth will revolve around the sun." and Connie answers "The earth DOES revolve around the son Eugene." Then Eugene does this funny

scream that's like AAAHHH!!!. It's very funny. I don't like all the scenes with Heather, but I think it teaches the same lesson as the scenes with Eugene and Bernard and I think this is the lesson; Don't be

too proud to lose. You'll just be miserable if you do lose. Learn to let go, and you'll be happier. Eventually, Eugene wins the chess game against Bernard, and turns back to normal Eugene Meltsner. So, that's the

end of this episode review. I give it 4 and-a-half thumbs up out of 5.

#TTC02: “The Truth Be Told”


This is one of the very first episodes I listened to. Captain Absolutely is one of my favorite characters, like Wooton. Jill Segler was getting a (scathing) story for the Odyssey Tribune, and I think she made the right

choice. She examined the situation and understood the consequences, but she still made the choice not to write the story. I like the story with Dr. Relative. How he read relative truth, while Captain Absolutely

read the Absolute truth in the bible. Hence, their names. I didn't like Leslie, obviously because she was willing to write the scathing article that Mr. Boemont wanted when Jill wasn't. I liked the part when

Captain Absolutely smashed the chair to bits.

#850: “The Shame About Fame”


I thought this episode was very funny. Jay was (as always) his funny prideful self. Up until he choked on the jelly beans. One of my favorite parts was when after Zoey saved his life with the Heimlich maneuver,

he says 'You hugged me.' and she says she didn't, but he's still adamant that she hugged him. Later, when he saves both Olivia and Zoey, someone asks him "Do you know these girls?' and he says "Of course I

do. One of them is my future wife,(Zoey) The other (Olivia) is my future wife's maid of honor.' Jillian Marshall had a quirky personality, so she was kind of funny, but not really my favorite character.

#855: “Divided We Fall”


I liked this one because 1; it had Buck Oliver in it, my second favorite character. 2; It had Eugene. 3; i don't know why else. Buck was funny when he was on pain meds for his ankle. He was like. . . slow and he sounded really funny. Funnier than Wooton when he was on meds. It wasn't like some other episodes in the way that it didn't have a double plot line. For now this is the end of this review.