Topic on Adventures in Odyssey Wiki:Town Hall2

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Timeline of Odyssey Events

Luke.storer (talkcontribs)

I've been reflecting on the Odyssey timeline. Specifically, my kids asked how long Whit was gone in the Middle East. Now, I know it was just over 3 years between Gone (September 1993) and Home Sweet Home (November 1996), but how much Odyssey time passed? Of course, any time we start thinking about the number of years that have passed, things will get a little goofy since some kids age and Whit and other adults never do. (Connie is her own unique situation as well.) But I've been thinking that based on the flow of school and summer episodes plus Christmas episodes, could we construct a sort of estimated timeline for all of Odyssey? I'm wondering if anyone has done any work with this or if there is somewhere on the wiki that a page has collected some of this information. If not, I am interested in starting to compile what I can.