Adventures in Odyssey Wiki talk:Q and A/How many episodes feature a "go get your parents" reminder?

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Marvelous Martin marked this as "answered" ... but I contend that he really just admitted that it wasn't known... I don't know if that counts as an answer. I put the question up hoping that someone would see it and happen to know. I know we don't necessarily want to have unanswered questions hanging around forever (especially like the age of character questions) But I feel like this question is ANSWERABLE, even if no one currently knows the answer. Anyway, I was wondering what people's thoughts are about leaving it as answered=no, in the hope that someone says, Hey! I know that! Proverbs 22:9A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. Elementus Green 22:20, 24 August 2010 (UTC)

That would be nice if somebody did know the exact answer to that question, but I doubt anybody does know nor feels like finding out the answer. Here are some of the episodes that have parental warnings. My personal opinion is that a template should be created for each of the "parental warning" episode pages that automatically places those episodes in a "parental warning" category. That wouldn't require a whole lot of extra work. MarvelousMarvin 03:54, 25 August 2010 (UTC)