Riley quotes

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An automatically created list of quotes by the Riley family.
On this page: Tom | Agnes | Rebecca Clemmens | Timothy


Tom Riley: He threatened to close me down. And you know he will with any ridiculous excuse. He is up to something and he won't let a little thing like ruining my life stop him.

#286: “Tom for Mayor, Part 1”

Tom Riley: Well, you know, Whit. It just occurred to me, if Monty wants to. He could be a Coyote.
John Whittaker: What?!
Tom Riley: Well, he can play on the team. The Coyotes. Little League, Whit!
John Whittaker: Oh.

#17: “A Member of the Family, Part 1”

Tom Riley: I'm not young, I'm 11 years old.

#58: “A Matter of Obedience”

Tom Riley: 19 minutes?! It takes me longer than 19 minutes to figure out my alarm clock, Whit!

#499: “Exit”

Jack Allen: Bart, we can't continue this debate unless you follow the rules.
Bart Rathbone: Rules, schmules! This is a free country. Anybody should be able to do what they want! That's the difference between me and Riley. I'm into freedom and he's a, whaddayacall, an intolerant hatemonger.
Tom Riley: What?
Bart Rathbone: Did I stutter?
Jack Allen: Gentlemen, please.
Bryan Dern: Nah, let em go! This is getting good!

#287: “Tom for Mayor, Part 2”

Tom Riley: Our program tonight is being transmitted, dozens of people.

#387: “New Year's Eve Live!”

Tom Riley: Every time I come in here you've got something new on display. What's this contraption you're working on now?
John Whittaker: Well I'm calling it the Imagination Station.

#66: “The Imagination Station, Part 1”

Tom Riley: Whit, sometimes I'm not sure about that boy.

#54: “Peace on Earth”

Bernard Walton: Y'see, Maude, Eugene lost his memory. No, no, not like Uncle Pete, he didn't get kicked by a, Eugene was working on a top secret project to help make radios out of brain waves!
Connie Kendall: No, Bernard, it was to convert brain waves to radio waves.
Bernard Walton: Leave it to me, Connie; you'll only confuse her. Anyway, Eugene was doing this top-secret project but what he didn't know was that the whole thing was a sneaky trick by an evil company to do mind control on—no, no, not mime control, Maude, mind control. Right, like Aunt Gertrude. Anyway, when Eugene figured out what was going on, he left Odyssey with the research and Katrina, and they got married and traveled around the world until they thought they were safe, and after that they went to Wisconsin.
Tom Riley: Washington, D.C.
Bernard Walton: Right, Washington D.C., to the National Help Institute—
Dr. William Foster: National Institute of Health.
Bernard Walton: Exactly. And that's where Eugene started back with his top-secret research to convert the—the watchacall—with the... jahoozey.

#565: “A Most Surprising Answer”

Tom Riley: I just got back. What are you doing?
John Whittaker: Oh, just taking a walk through your orchard.
Tom Riley: Well, you're not gonna get very far standing on a ladder.

#462: “The W.E.”

Connie Kendall: Say, Mr. Riley, I heard about the excitement out at your place this morning.
Tom Riley: Excitement?
Connie Kendall: Yeah, Nicky Creshaw heard from Steve Perry that Michael Turner was over at Thelma Gardner's, who said that she saw seven police cars, a fire truck, and an ambulance with the sirens going full blast pull out on to your road!
Tom Riley: Well, that... that was nothing. Officer Harley caught Scott Williams going through some of my apples.

#23: “The Quality of Mercy”

Tom Riley: I sure do miss that boy, Whit. Even after all these years.

#202: “Timmy's Cabin”

Tom Riley: That's it. That's it! I know where the camp is. It's just across the state line. A place called Loon Lake.

#512: “The Pact, Part 2”

Tom Riley: What does this have to do with my son?
Alice (a): Timmy and I went to Marus, Mr. Riley. We had an adventure there.

#422: “Passages: Fletcher's Rebellion, Part 1”

Tom Riley: Connie, there are two people in this conversation, and you're not both of them!

#581: “A Christmas Conundrum”

Connie Kendall: You look terrible.
Tom Riley: Well, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself.

#212: “The Mortal Coil, Part 2”

Connie Kendall: You do have a suit, don't you?
Tom Riley: Connie, I was mayor. It was kinda required.
Connie Kendall: Oh, yeah, I remember that suit. Maybe we should try something from a recent decade.

#457: “Opportunity Knocks”

Tom Riley: Eugene, it is not an environmental expedition. It's a fishin' trip. A fishin trip.
Eugene Meltsner: But Mr. Riley, I don't see anything wrong with studying the cold-blooded vertebrate in its natural habitat as long as we're already there!

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Tom Riley: That's 'Rinsodent', available at fine grocery stores everywhere! <off-mike> Whit, we only have one grocery store!

#114: “The Big Broadcast”

John Whittaker: Well Agnes, it takes time to cook a good turkey dinner.
Agnes Riley: That's what I've always tried to tell Tom, Whit. It's not as easy as you thought it was, is it?
Tom Riley: Nope. Especially on the turkey.

#49: “Thank You, God”

Tom Riley: "The Pilgrim's Progress in the Similitude of a Dream". "As I walked through the wilderness, uh, of this world, I litted... lighted... on a certain place, wh-where was a den." "Where was a den"? No offense, Whit, but this writer needs to learn something about English.
John Whittaker: Well, I'll be sure to tell him.
Tom Riley: "As I laid me down in that place to sleep, and as I slept I dreamed a dream." What else would you dream? "I dreamed, and behold, I saw a man clothed with rags standing in a certain place, with his face from his house...(What?) With his face from his own house.

#213: “Best Intentions”

Tom Riley: Mr. Glossman has a lot of bright ideas on how to modernize this city so it can make more money. But there's some of us here who like the old things, Mr. Whittaker, who don't want our town to become all chrome and glass, and your wife was one of those people.

#19: “Recollections”

Tom Riley: No, I am serious. You're messing around with somethin' you don't have no business with.
John Whittaker: It's only the Imagination Station.
Tom Riley: I don't care what it is. You said the whole thing seemed realer than real. And that's what makes it so dangerous. Look, you know that Jesus took the sting out of death. Death is our doorway to God. But it's not something we should want or try to create! It's a locked door until God and God alone opens it for us!

#211: “The Mortal Coil, Part 1”

Richard Maxwell: <about Regis Blackgaard> That's why I'm here—to stop him.
Tom Riley: Uh-huh. Don't you mean to help him?
Jack Allen: Tom...!
Richard Maxwell: No, sir. I mean stop him! It's the least I can do.

#328: “Hard Losses”

Bart Rathbone: Unlike you, Riley, I believe in toleration. And as mayor, I won't put up with anybody who isn't tolerant!
Tom Riley: You won't tolerate intolerance?
Bart Rathbone: Right.
Tom Riley: So you're intolerant of people who tolerate intolerance.
Bart Rathbone: Yeah! My first act as mayor will be to form a committee to investigate intolerance and stamp it out!

#287: “Tom for Mayor, Part 2”

John Whittaker: Hello, Tom. What are you doing out in this weather?
Tom Riley: Oh, you know how I am when it comes to storms, Whit. Everything just gets so, so, uh, wet.

#34: “Stormy Weather”

Tom Riley: There's a... hole in the bottom of the sea!
Jessie Morales: Hey!
Robyn Jacobs: Don't even THINK about it, Jessie.

#125: “All's Well With Boswell”

Tom Riley: I could train you and you're a fast learner. I should talk to your parents about this and see what they think.
Aubrey Shepard: Thanks, Mr. Riley, but I don't need any more opportunities to look ridiculous. I appreciate it, though. I'll see you tomorrow!
Tom Riley: We're not through talking about this! Not by a long shot.

#553: “Potential Possibilities”

Eugene Meltsner: Greetings and felicitations of the season.
Tom Riley: I figured as much.

#54: “Peace on Earth”

Tom Riley: It kinda reminds me of the story of Joseph in the Bible.
John Whittaker: Yeah? How’s that?
Tom Riley: You know, a cone of many colors...

#2: “The Life of the Party”

Tom Riley: What does he want?

#159: “The Homecoming”

Tom Riley: It just seems to me that the reason you did this was to reach more people. This would be your chance to connect with some that have hardly heard the name of Jesus. I know a few of these kids and they are tough, but they're reachable. They need a place like Whit's End more than anyone.

#468: “Chains, Part 1”

Joanne Allen: Rose?
Agnes Riley: It's you!
Tom Riley: It is? But that's...
John Whittaker: That's Joanne Allen?!

#512: “The Pact, Part 2”

Tom Riley: The flowers? Why, you could stock a dozen greenhouses with that many flowers!
Bernard Walton: And a few cemeteries!

#571: “For Better or For Worse, Part 2”

Tom Riley: I'll do anything for Eugene, you know that. But I think you're goin' about this the wrong way.
John Whittaker: Oh? How so?
Tom Riley: Oh, come on, Whit. You're talking about relationship, about heart, and I'm wonderin'... what happened to praying? What happened to Eugene's relationship with God? How does He fit into all this technical mumbo jumbo?
John Whittaker: I'm not leaving Him out, Tom. I'm praying about everything we're doing. But we have to do something. Why is it wrong to try?
Tom Riley: Well, it's not wrong, I just don't agree with it. Now, if you want to manufacture a relationship through that machine of yours, that's up to you. But I think Eugene needs real relationships—with God, with us. And a lot of time, patience and prayer.

#566: “A Most Extraordinary Conclusion”

Alice (a): And then Timmy looked out of his cell window and saw something that made him realize beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he wasn't anywhere near the camp or Odyssey or anything he knew in our world.
Timothy Riley: No, no! It can't be!
Tom Riley: What did he see?
Alice (a): Two moons.

#422: “Passages: Fletcher's Rebellion, Part 1”

Tom Riley: I've got no one to blame but myself. I'm the one. I let them do it.
John Whittaker: Let who do what?
Tom Riley: I let Novacom build their tower on my property. I'm just sorry that they ever came to town!
John Whittaker: Some of us are trying to put a stop to it.
Tom Riley: Well, Whit, I tell ya... if I could, I would pull that thing down, I swear I would, with my bare hands! I swear I would!

#497: “Expect the Worst”

Tom Riley: <phone rings> Oh, it's worse than when I'm in the bath!

#418: “Opening Day”

John Whittaker: Is something wrong, Tom?
Tom Riley: Agnes is missing!

#511: “The Pact, Part 1”

John Whittaker: There's no point in second guessing the decision. It's done. Now all we can do is see how it plays out and have faith that even if we made a mistake that God will work through it.
Tom Riley: But we pay for our mistakes, Whit.
John Whittaker: I know, that's why I hope I'm wrong.

#457: “Opportunity Knocks”

Tom Riley: I have said it before and I will say it again. Sometimes I just wonder 'bout that boy!

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Tom Riley: Well, for what it's worth, Horace, I'll back ya. I caught your speech a couple minutes ago and it sounded good—a real barn burner!

#47: “A Single Vote”

Tom Riley: No offense, Whit, but was this thing a big seller?
John Whittaker: Uh huh.
Tom Riley: Well, I can't make heads or tails outta this, but I mean, who's going to believe a character by the name of "Obstinate"?
John Whittaker: It's an allegory, Tom.
Tom Riley: Huh, doesn't surprise me. It's not much of a story!

#213: “Best Intentions”

Tom Riley: Howdy! Tom Riley here. We’re just gettin' ready for a time of wonder, adventure, and excitement. Would you like to join us? Than get ready, 'cause you never know what can happen when you have an Adventure in Odyssey! —Walker Edmiston's last episode.

#632: “Suspicious Finds”

Tom Riley: Is this your impression of a mad scientist? Tampering with things that are none of your business? You know what happens to them in the late show and the movies. If the monster doesn't get 'em, the mobs do!

#211: “The Mortal Coil, Part 1”

Tom Riley: But what about things like free speech?
Bart Rathbone: What about things like that? People can have free speech.
Tom Riley: As long as they agree with you.
Bart Rathbone: Well, yeah. Nobody likes disagreeable people.

#287: “Tom for Mayor, Part 2”

Tom Riley: That’s about the biggest chicken I have ever seen.
John Whittaker: Yeah, or is it a turkey?

#120: “Pranks for the Memories”

Bernard Walton: They say a blow to the head sometimes helps.
Tom Riley: I have a shovel in my truck!

#565: “A Most Surprising Answer”

John Whittaker: What's gotten into him?
Isaac Morton: It's the water pistol. All of a sudden he thinks he's Rambo.
Tom Riley: I've always worried about that boy, Whit.

#198: “Treasure Hunt”

Tom Riley: John Avery! I have never known you to sit and feel sorry for yourself for any longer than two minutes at a time. Now you need to stop messin' around in my orchard and figure it out!

#462: “The W.E.”

Tom Riley: The computer club has something urgent? What could be urgent?! It has a fractured floppy disk? A cracked keyboard?

#101: “Scattered Seeds”

Tom Riley: Look at him go. You'd think he was looking for buried treasure or something.
John Whittaker: Who's to say he isn't?

#33: “The Day Independence Came”

Tom Riley: Hire a lawyer or hire Eugene... pull a horse's tooth or get kicked by a cow...

#578: “All-Star Witness”

Connie Kendall: But I got you a cheese basket, and it was on clearance.
Tom Riley: I was wondering why this Swiss was so crunchy!

#581: “A Christmas Conundrum”

Eugene Meltsner: <after lighting a fire with a blowtorch> Who wants hot cocoa?
Tom Riley: I'll be in my tent.

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Tom Riley: If God could part the Red Sea, couldn't he do the same with red tape?

#408: “Malachi's Message, Part 3”

Tom Riley: Peter, you look like you got hit by a garbage truck!
Peter Holt: Just one can.

#115: “An Act of Mercy”

Tom Riley: Exactly what did I just do?
John Whittaker: Hmm. You... saved the world.
Tom Riley: Oh. I can't wait for our long talk, Whit.

#499: “Exit”

John Whittaker: Poor Spencer. You know, somehow it's just not fair to lose a life over something so worthless as money.
Tom Riley: I guess that's why the Bible says money is the root of all evil.

#40: “The Case of the Secret Room, Part 2”

Curt Stevens: <referring to the molasses> Ugh, this stuff is really sticky.
Tom Riley: Yeah, and tomorrow, it’ll be dry and probably a lot harder to clean up off my barn floor, too. But I know you’ll do a good job.
Curt Stevens: Oh, great. That’s it. I’m never gonna pull another practical joke again — as long as I live.

#120: “Pranks for the Memories”

Tom Riley: John Avery Whittaker, now I want you to stop for a minute. You're goin' like a house afire. It's just not like you to get caught up in this Christmas rush.

#54: “Peace on Earth”

Tom Riley: They just don't make tools like they used to.
John Whittaker: Well, they do, but they're more expensive now!

#198: “Treasure Hunt”

Tom Riley: I guess everything is taken care of now, Eugene?
Eugene Meltsner: Down to the last microbyte!

#101: “Scattered Seeds”

John Whittaker: Oh yes, Eugene gets excited about things, but he is a good person to have on your side.
Tom Riley: Well, I'm sure that's true, but I feel like I just let a pyromaniac borrow my lighter.

#578: “All-Star Witness”

Tom Riley: Agnes, no wonder you took such a shine to Mandy.
Joanne Allen: What do you mean?
John Whittaker: Joanne, you looked exactly like Mandy when you were ten!

#512: “The Pact, Part 2”

Unknown: Excuse me, Mr. Whittaker?
John Whittaker: Yes, that's me.
Unknown: Mrs. Meltsner wanted you to know that her husband seems to be waking up.
John Whittaker: Wonderful, wonderful. Is he alright?
Unknown: <laughing> It's hard to say. I had difficult time understanding him.
Tom Riley: Sounds like he's alright to me!

#566: “A Most Extraordinary Conclusion”

Tom Riley: Cal? Get off the tower! It's rigged! It's gonna blow up!
Cal Jordan: Blow up?! I'm coming! I'm coming!

#497: “Expect the Worst”

Tom Riley: Eugene, I just can't understand a word you're saying. Are you one of those foreign exchange students?

#51: “Connie, Part 1”

John Whittaker: Oh. Well, Tom he means well. This is good experience for him.
Tom Riley: Good experience? Well, I'll try to remember that when I experience my first heart attack.

#52: “Connie, Part 2”

Tom Riley: Only someone as smart as Eugene would do something so stupid!

#212: “The Mortal Coil, Part 2”

Tom Riley: Make room! Make room!
John Whittaker: Well, hi, Tom! What are you doing?
Tom Riley: Well, I come to see if I can catch any fish. My fishing spot's deader than, uh, a dead thing that's dead.

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Eugene Meltsner: Mr. Riley?! I thought I asked you to leave!
Tom Riley: You did, and I didn't. So nah-nana-nah-nah!

#213: “Best Intentions”

Tom Riley: <banging on the door> Eugene!
Eugene Meltsner: What? Mr. Riley? I-It's only been a few seconds!
Tom Riley: Let me out! Let me out!
Eugene Meltsner: Mr. Riley—
Tom Riley: That's enough, Eugene! I get it now!
Eugene Meltsner: But—what happened?!
Tom Riley: I want you to erase that program, Eugene, understand? Erase it, now!
Eugene Meltsner: But Mr. Whittaker won't want me—
Tom Riley: Don't argue, Eugene! It's too dangerous to keep! Just erase it, erase it! I have to get back to the hospital!

#211: “The Mortal Coil, Part 1”

Connie Kendall: You did do it, didn't you. Didn't you!
Michelle Terry: Planned? It didn't take much planning. When you were talking on the stairs with Connie I had just enough time to grab the Silver Streak and put it in my nap sack. Then after I helped Connie, I got all my stuff and left. Only I went around to the back, I was just gonna throw the silver streak away, but when I saw that the wheels had broken off I came up with this idea.
Tom Riley: You mean you planed this whole thing?

#21: “The Case of the Missing Train Car”

Tom Riley: He belongs here as much as a pair of roller skates belong on a mountain climber!

#205: “Flash Flood”

Richard Maxwell: I am... sorry, Mr. Riley. And I hope you can forgive me... one of these days.
Tom Riley: Just get out. Get out.

#159: “The Homecoming”

Eugene Meltsner: Miss Kendall...
Connie Kendall: Yeah?
Eugene Meltsner: I'm speechless! This is the last thing I was expecting from you, it does humble me a bit as I merely purchased a scarf for you, which was certainly bought from the heart but, not nearly as elaborate as this generous gift for which I don't know how to thank you.
Tom Riley: For bein' speechless, a lot of words sure came out!

#581: “A Christmas Conundrum”

Tom Riley: It's not right for Eugene to be so... so... Eugene-like!

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Tom Riley: Whit? I don't know whether you can hear me or not...maybe some of what I'm sayin' will echo through. See, I tried your program in the Imagination Station, and I think I have it figured out. I think I understand what happened to ya. You did a good job on your death program, Whit—too good a job, in fact. You made a program that gives just a taste of what life after death is for a Christian. The reunion with loved ones...the warmth, the beauty of goin' to be with God... I don't know how you did it, but... you did! You made it... beautiful. And attractive. But that's the problem, Whit. Now... now you correct me if I'm wrong, but I figure you made it look so good that you wanna be there—that you wanna give up on livin'. Well, Whit, I have to tell you that you're wrong! You're wrong! I mean—I can't second-guess God, but it's like I told you before—death is the passageway to be with our Lord. It's not a door we should pass through unless God says it's time to go—that's the glory and the mystery of it! As believers, we may long for heaven, but we must remain here as servants until the Master calls us! So Whit... I figure the Imagination Station gave you a glimpse of somethin' you shouldn't have seen yet. So I'm askin' you to come back. D'ya hear me, Whit? I'm askin' you to come back! I think—I think you should come back to us! Please... please, Whit. Come back.

#211: “The Mortal Coil, Part 1”

Bart Rathbone: We're supposed to start in a minute and I just thought I'd peek in and... you know, say something clever!
Bernard Walton: Like what, Bart?
Bart Rathbone: I dunno... ah, I couldn't think of anything. So how about, "may the best man win."
Bernard Walton: Thanks, Bart.
Tom Riley: Thank you, Bart.
Bart Rathbone: Course that means you may as well call it quits now, if ya get my drift!
Bernard Walton: Get out, Bart.

#287: “Tom for Mayor, Part 2”

Tom Riley: Are you doin' experiments on someone else, Whit?
Bernard Walton: It's that man from the NIH, isn't it? You two had a tussle and you've thrown him into the machine!
John Whittaker: Oh, Bernard, you're being ridiculous.
Bernard Walton: No, no, no, I was being ridiculous when I agreed to this idea twelve hours ago. Now I'm being absurd!

#564: “A Most Intriguing Question”

John Whittaker: Well, I-I'll prove it to you. Here — look at this, I came up with a new invention today. It's a flying machine, made out of a boat with oars. And big helium balloons. And a propeller! We can use it to rescue people!
Connie Kendall: Uh-huh.
Tom Riley: Uh. why don't you take a nap, Whit...
John Whittaker: Oh, yeah? Well... you'll all be sorry, next time somebody falls off a clock tower!

#440: “I Slap Floor”

Dr. William Foster: In essence, we're going to convert your brain waves into radio waves so they'll work through the Imagination Station's system, and then convert them back into brain waves so Eugene can receive them.
Katrina Meltsner: Wait a minute, Doctor. That's Eugene's technology.
Tom Riley: Wait, wait. You mean it's the same technology that messed up Eugene's memory in the first place?

#565: “A Most Surprising Answer”

John Whittaker: Well, if you don't like it, take it home and give it to your dog!
Tom Riley: I thought you liked my dog.

#2: “The Life of the Party”

Tom Riley: I knew I should forgive him. But it hurts! Before God, it hurts more than I can say!

#159: “The Homecoming”

Eugene Meltsner: Wait! Don't you want me to tell you about subsection D?
Tom Riley: I'll talk to you later.
Eugene Meltsner: But it has pie charts!

#578: “All-Star Witness”

Eugene Meltsner: So are you [...] going to run for mayor again?
Tom Riley: Now Eugene, you're not curious, are ya?
Eugene Meltsner: No, not at all. I was merely inquiring out of a fundamentally objective desire to know.
John Whittaker: He's curious.

#368: “The Other Woman”

Bernard Walton: Number two: Katrina carried Eugene over the threshold!
Eugene Meltsner: Now, that was only due to the recurrence of an old chess club injury!
Tom Riley: A chess club injury?
Eugene Meltsner: It was a very big club.

#570: “For Better or For Worse, Part 1”

Bart Rathbone: Here's your sundae.
Tom Riley: It looks like someone sat on it.
Bart Rathbone: Well, ah...<nervous chuckle>

#586: “A Cheater Cheated”

Monty Whittaker: Hi Mr. Riley, hi Eugene.
Tom Riley: Well, hello there Monty.
Eugene Meltsner: A most felicitous morning to you, Montgomery.
Monty Whittaker: Huh? Oh, Thanks.

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Connie Kendall: Why were you hiding in that booth?
Eugene Meltsner: He wasn't!
Tom Riley: He wasn't.
Connie Kendall: He wasn't? Well, what—you weren't?
Jack Allen: No, I weren't. Uh, I wasn't!

#281: “...But Not Forgotten”

Tom Riley: Part of the wall is sliding back! It's another room!
Jason Whittaker: What's in it?
Tom Riley: It's the Imagination Station!

#499: “Exit”

Katrina Meltsner: Aw, that's sweet.
Tom Riley: Ugh, I'm gonna be sick if it gets any sweeter.
Bernard Walton: I've got a bucket on the porch.

#393: “Wrapped Around Your Finger”

Tom Riley: Now, you can be sensitive and caring all you want, but there comes a time when every woman wants to be rescued by a knight in shining armor.
Bernard Walton: But Katrina got a stable boy in a vest!

#570: “For Better or For Worse, Part 1”

Tom Riley: Eugene, did you hear the way Whit and I spoke to each other when he came in?
Eugene Meltsner: Absolutely.
Tom Riley: Well, that's the way you're supposed to say hello. No fancy shmancy words, just a nice simple howdy-do, or hi or hello. Understand?

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Tom Riley: Eugene, you never cease to amaze me.

#280: “Gone...”

Tom Riley: I can't wait for our long talk, Whit.
John Whittaker: It's coming, Tom.

#487: “Plan B, Part 4: Resistance”

John Whittaker: I should'a listened to you Tom.
Tom Riley: Oh?
John Whittaker: I was tampering with things that aren't any of my business, but I learned from it. Getting lost in someone's imagination, memories, even dreams of the future is a... well, it's a limited experience. There are greater adventures to be found in the real world. Which leaves only one question.
Jason Whittaker: And that is?
John Whittaker: When can I get out of this hospital and get on with them?

#212: “The Mortal Coil, Part 2”

Eugene Meltsner: Very well, Hello Guinevere.
Jenny Whittaker-Dowd: A most felicitous morning to you, Eugene.
Tom Riley: Huh? Hold it, hold it now, Jenny. Did he tell you to say that?

#100: “Ice Fishing”

Tom Riley: Eugene, Eugene, do you know how many gutters I've fixed in my life?
Eugene Meltsner: Uh, no.
Connie Kendall: How many?
Tom Riley: Well, none.

#632: “Suspicious Finds”

Tom Riley: At my wedding, they just threw rice!
Bernard Walton: Symbolizing an abundance of teriyaki chicken!

#570: “For Better or For Worse, Part 1”

Bernard Walton: A sixteen piece orchestra?
Tom Riley: That's a lot of pieces, isn't it? Do they even make that many instruments?
Bernard Walton: I don't think so.
Tom Riley: Let's see, now, what am I gonna need? Tuba, drums, fiddle, electric banjo...even a bigger banjo?
Bernard Walton: Yeah.
Tom Riley: Oh... Bernard, we're in trouble.

#570: “For Better or For Worse, Part 1”


Agnes Riley: "J-O"! That's it! "J-O". Does that mean anything to you?
Mandy Straussberg: No.
Agnes Riley: I should know what that means. What does it mean? What is it?

#511: “The Pact, Part 1”

John Whittaker: Well Agnes, it takes time to cook a good turkey dinner.
Agnes Riley: That's what I've always tried to tell Tom, Whit. It's not as easy as you thought it was, is it?
Tom Riley: Nope. Especially on the turkey.

#49: “Thank You, God”

Joanne Allen: Rose?
Agnes Riley: It's you!
Tom Riley: It is? But that's...
John Whittaker: That's Joanne Allen?!

#512: “The Pact, Part 2”

John Whittaker: I'm curious, Joanne. Rose hasn't met with you for forty years. Why did you come today?
Joanne Allen: Because I promised I would. I've been coming every ten years, and each time I came I hoped she'd be here. And now she is. Rose, it means so much to me to see you again.
Agnes Riley: Yes, you too, Jo.

#512: “The Pact, Part 2”

Agnes Riley: Maybe next time you come, I'll be a redhead. That'll get 'em talking.

#368: “The Other Woman”

Rebecca Clemmens

Rebecca Riley: Tom, if you fall in and drown, I'll never speak to you again!

#58: “A Matter of Obedience”


Fletcher: Praise to the Unseen One for what He let me see and hear! I want to rouse my commanders at once.
Timothy Riley: Now? Why?
Fletcher: Because I have a new plan of attack!

#423: “Passages: Fletcher's Rebellion, Part 2”

Timothy Riley: P.D., I do know of one friend who will never hurt you or let you down.
P.D. Barnes: You do?
Timothy Riley: Uh huh. I can introduce you to him if you want me to.
P.D. Barnes: Where does this friend of yours live?
Timothy Riley: Right here, in my heart. His name is Jesus.

#224: “Greater Love”

Alice (a): And then Timmy looked out of his cell window and saw something that made him realize beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he wasn't anywhere near the camp or Odyssey or anything he knew in our world.
Timothy Riley: No, no! It can't be!
Tom Riley: What did he see?
Alice (a): Two moons.

#422: “Passages: Fletcher's Rebellion, Part 1”