Chuck Bolte

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Chuck Bolte
Episode Characters Played 42
Episode Appearances 111
Episodes Directed 13
Episodes Executive Produced 370
Podcast Appearances 8
Documentary Appearances 1



Chuck Bolte started his career by traveling with the Continental Singers, an international Christian organization that produces vocal, instrumental and dramatic performances. He also led and performed with a musical comedy team called “Jeremiah People.” In January of 1988, Chuck became Executive Producer of Broadcasting for Focus on the Family, where one of his responsibilities was executive producing Adventures in Odyssey. Since leaving Focus in 1996, Chuck has served as President for Childhelp USA, a national non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child abuse and worked as a vice-president for the Alliance Defense Fund. Chuck Bolte was the emcee at the 25th Birthday Bash for Adventures in Odyssey in Dallas, Texas, at Irving Bible Church.


His daughters are Sage Bolte and Erin Bolte.



Episodes Directed (13) · Episodes Executive Produced (370) · Acting (111) · Characters (42) · Podcasts (8) · Documentaries (1)

Click one of the above tabs to see what Chuck Bolte has done on Adventures in Odyssey.
Chuck Bolte has executive produced 370 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes executive produced by Chuck Bolte }}%
Chuck Bolte has acted in 111 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with acting by Chuck Bolte }}%
Chuck Bolte has appeared in 1 documentary
