Where Your Treasure Is

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#799: “Where Your Treasure Is”
799 art-small.png
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Last aired
November 1, 2016 ↓
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Where Your Treasure Is

“Where Your Treasure Is,” an Adventures in Odyssey Club exclusive, is episode #799 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written and directed by Nathan Hoobler, and was originally released on November 1, 2016.


With the help of Whit’s latest invention, Camilla hunts for treasure in Nepal and makes a new friend.


This plot section is too short and should be expanded. »


Role Voice Actor
Camilla Parker Michaela Dean
Asmita Georgia Dolenz
John Whittaker Andre Stojka
Pashuan Arian Renche


  • This episode is about Awana clubs.
  • This episode's title is a reference to the the Bible verse "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (both Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34, KJV).


Discussion Questions

  1. Do you attend Awana or another club that helps children journey with God? If so, what do you enjoy most about it?
  2. What did you think of Whit's latest invention? Is there anything else you wish his high-tech Bible could do?
  3. Can you recall the first Bible verse you ever memorized? Are you able to recite it now?
  4. Camilla and Asmita hit it off right away. Would you say that you make friends easily? Who is your best friend, and why?
  5. Discuss the meaning of Proverbs 27:17. How did the girls sharpen each other by relying on God's Word and working toward a common goal? Who keeps you sharp?
  6. Asmita said, "If you practice anything long enough it becomes a habit." Can you think of three good habits we should try hard to practice? What about bad habits that God's people should avoid? Apply Paul's advice in Philippians 4:8.
  7. How did it feel to learn that Asmita and the treasure were both real (and how much money do you think was in those jars)?
  8. Why do you think Pashwan was so greedy and selfish? Together, read Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 12:15 and Mark 8:36 for Jesus' warnings about trusting in earthly treasures.
  9. Camilla took a virtual journey to Nepal. Have you ever visited a foreign country? If so, share something you learned there that surprised you. If you've never left your country, where would you like to travel someday?


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